How To Cope During Quarantine

The entire world is being faced with a global pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 — the disease that results from the novel coronavirus, a worldwide pandemic. According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are very distinct differences between an outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic. A pandemic (which is what [...]

By |2020-03-29T17:38:59+00:00March 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|13 Comments

Car Seat Safety and Tips

Overall driving safety requires a lot of thought and effort. Driving with children requires extra precautions. There are many invaluable tips for keeping children of any age as safe as possible whenever they may be traveling on the roads. The most common cause of death in children under the age of 15 is unintentional injury, and the most common cause of unintentional injury [...]

By |2020-02-17T14:49:37+00:00February 17th, 2020|Uncategorized|3 Comments

Tips To Winterize Your Home

Well, here we are knocking on Old Man Winter’s door. First, the kids go back to school. Then, the leaves start changing. Next thing you know the holidays are here and then – boom, winter! Just the very thought of home maintenance can make you sigh but winterizing your home is important. Truth is that [...]

By |2019-11-12T20:33:02+00:00November 12th, 2019|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Common Rules of the Road

Massachusetts is known for many things. Having good drivers and a solid driving record is certainly not one of them. So, Massachusetts residents, don’t expect a gold star for your driving record! Although, the roads might be a challenge to navigate in cars, we are known for having a beautiful city that is easy to [...]

By |2019-08-21T15:07:15+00:00August 21st, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Summer Pet Safety

If you've spent any time around the people or on the social media accounts here at Schulze Law, you know we are big pet fans (especially dogs...hey Brady!). We are constantly seeking to inform you of ways to keep yourself, family members and pets safe from dangers and harm. We've spent a lot of time [...]

By |2019-08-21T14:30:40+00:00August 21st, 2019|Uncategorized|3 Comments

Tips for Encore Boston!

It’s finally here! The Encore Boston Harbor is opening its doors and they’re not closing. The highly anticipated and sometimes controversial casino is ready for business. The sparkly, gambling, hotel and entertainment complex, is bringing the energy and vibe of Las Vegas opulence just over the Boston city line into Everett, MA. Glitz and glamour [...]

By |2019-07-14T23:20:40+00:00July 14th, 2019|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Lyme Disease Prevention

Do you feel like you've been hearing more and more about Lyme disease and its potentially debilitating effects? You'd be correct. The statistics are pretty staggering and it can result in chronic symptoms that can have life altering impacts. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that cases of tickborne diseases had [...]

By |2019-06-09T18:36:14+00:00June 9th, 2019|Uncategorized|3 Comments